Monday, July 21, 2008

First day in Switzerland

Welcome to Switzerland

AUSFAHRT pronounced assfart! haha we got a kick out of it!
Us girls
We took so many tram rides up and down the mountains, and when someone really did ausfahrt it was horrible! haha

Lee and Evenlyn Barnes TRUE swiss

The Eger mountain

Everywhere we went there was always Bratwursts and fries. I'm not kidding, and for those who know me I don't really like meat especially hot dog kind. When we went out to dinner i would get chicken which was pretty good but so expensive. For one Coke with no ice, no refills it cost $5 whole franks! Hot dog and fries $20 franks, there frank and our dollars where the same value!

Most of all Switzerland was beautiful


{Brooke} said...

You were the one who was ausfahrting, huh? HAHAHA!!!! It's probably from all those flippin bratwursts. I had a bite of one of those last week, and I'd rather eat poop!!!

FOUST said...

Babe I love the pic of you in the pool!! GORGEOUS OF COURSE!
I love more of the green lush pis from your trip-so fun.

hilary and morgan said...

Molly I am so jelous of you! My gosh Switzerland is my next destination. London is amazing but I would kill to be in the Alps!

Tony Carver said...

Hey I want to see pics of your new house!!!! We move next Wed. and Thursday YEAH!