Tuesday, March 06, 2012

A Good Grief

There is such an amazing women who just happens to have the same name as me... Molly! 
Her daughters name is Lucy and they had a horrible accident which ended Lucy's life when she was  almost 2. A friend shared with me her blog when i was in my deepest darkest days! 
I admire Molly. She is a strong, beautiful, and is a hopeful women, who unfortunately knows the ugly grief! She has created a foundation called A good grief, which helps pay for the cost of children's headstones. (Something that I still have not done, and sorta dreading it!)   

Visit here to read about her beautiful foundation A good Grief
warning it will make you cry. Lucy is Beautiful! 

She is doing a fundraiser on March 29th and I am going! You can buy tickets on the website or at the door! Who wants to come with me? 

Molly is one of me heros! I look up to her in so many ways and I don't even know her. She is powerful courageous and loving! She now has a son and she is pregnant with a girl with her due date the same birthday as Lucy! Its amazing how the lord does work in mysterious ways! 

1 comment:

Meagan Jensen said...

I so wish I lived in SLC! This is such a neat benefit. I am really surprised about headstones though... when we bought Laurens plot, EVERYTHING was included. Cement incasing, casket, funeral service, headstone that we designed and a granite flower holder. It was expensive but my amazing, wonderful, gift from God of an OBGYN wrote off the charge for her services (which would have been $2500 for us because we hadn't met our deductible yet) and we were able to pay for it.

Have fun. I know all of our little cuties will be enjoying it.