Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Danny took me to see the movie "Valentines Day" then we went and ate at Bonsai!
It was super yummy but the waiter forgot to make my chicken, so I just ate some of Dan's streak!

Happy Valentines
Because Valentines was on a Sunday I had all week to think about this holiday. I asked myself is it really a holiday? Why is there a holiday that we show are love on ONE day? But then I got to thinking how fun it is to remember to do things for our loved ones.
To put some thought into a gift, or a dinner, or an activity.
We used to be really good at surprising each other with little "I love you" gifts/activities, but as the years have gone on we sometimes fail at remembering how those little "i love you's"really mean a lot. SO as I got thinking of what to do for Valentines i thought of all the reasons why I love Danny and came up with a list, and with that list bought little presents that represented those things that i love about him! I like being creative, I like coming up with fun ideas for him, and I like it so much cause he does that for me! At the beginning of the week he surprised me with flowers! I asked him "DO i get to celebrate Valentines all week?" and then that made me think gosh we should be celebrating valentines everyday! A time to love others, a time to give service, a time to remember the reasons why we love our friends and family!
That is my goal now, to think that everyday is a Love day!


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